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New Oxford Modern English 6 ( (In a Tunnel)

Course Book (In a Tunnel)
Answer the following questions.
1)   Why are the carriage windows pulled up when the train goes through a tunnel?
Ans: The train engines always a scream. But when it moves into a tunnel then the noise of the running, rattling train changes and grows different and much louder. Hats why the carriage windows pulled up when the train goes through a tunnel.

2)   What kind of things do you see in a tunnel?
Ans: A lot of things can be seen in the tunnel. Everything in the tunnel remains calm and quite. We can see sliding stones and gravel on a path that curves downwards from the shining metals on the wall. Moreover we can also see slimy oozy trickles of water running down the inside of the tunnel and in the tunnel the bricks are red in brown became sickly green in course of time.
3)   How many children are there in the tunnel?
Ans: In the tunnel there were three children. They were Phyllis, Bobbie, Peter

4)   Which child is the most frightened?
Ans: Bobbie is the most frightened among the three children.
5)   Peter asks the others:’ and what’s that? What is the ‘that’ he refers to?
Ans: As the three children became frightened hearing the humming sound on the railway line, Peter asks the others: “What’s that? Here that refers to the sound of the rattling train.

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6)   What are the wires over which Phyllis stumbles?
Ans: The wires over which Phyllis stumbles were the wires of telegraph.
7)   How does the author describe the train “hurtling by”?

Ans: The author describe the train “hurtling by” as with a  rush and a roar and a rattle dazzling flash of lighted carriage windows, a smell of smoke and blast of hot air, the train hurtled by, clanging and jangling and echoing in the vaulted roof of the tunnel.

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  1. Take care of the spelling mistakes!! Too many of them.
    Other wise good.🙂

    1. ya there are many of spelling mistakes

  2. Thank you very very very very very very very very very much

  3. thx dis ids for my test btw nub

  4. Hey fool! What you have written in Question number 4? Bobbie is the most frightened among those three children!

  5. Summary of this chapter
    Can u plz write it .. chap 6 in a tunnel

    1. Summary of "In a Tunnel"

      The lesson is about going into a tunnel when you are in a train and when you are walking into a tunnel with approaching train. Going into a tunnel when you are in a train feels safe and you will feel a bit of hard sounds, feel and see smoke and a bit of darkness when you are in a tunnel. On the other hand when you are by feet is different. Three kids Phyllis, Bobbie and Peter walked into a tunnel by feet. When they walked in the dark tunnel, Phyllis refused to go further. She was scared but Peter forced her to keep going. After a while they heard a train coming towards them. The sound of train was getting louder and louder. They were frightened and wanted to hide somewhere in the tunnel. Peter saw a manhole and he shouted to Bobbie and Phyllis to go into it. They finally hid there and the horrifying train passed by. They recovered from dangerous situation and everything became Normal.

  6. please give me too more question and answer
