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New Oxford Modern English 6 (The Girl on the Train )

The Girl on the Train
1.      What advice did the girl’s parents give her? Did she follow all the advice?
Ans: The girl’s parents gave her advice not to lean out at the window and to avoid talking to the strangers.
No, she didn’t follow all the advice.
2.      How did the man give the girl the idea that he was able to see?
Ans: The man was blind and he was pretending to the girl as if he is a man with normal eyesight. At that time the window was open and the man had faced it and making a pretense of studying the landscape. Moreover, he also told that the trees seem to be moving while they seem to be standing still. Thus the man gave the girl the idea that he was able to see.
The man gave the girl the idea of his being able to see by describing the beauty of Mussooorie in October in vivid term as if he saw those. He also pretended to examine the landscape and told her that she has an interesting face.

3.      What description does the man give of Mussoorie ? How is he able to do so?
Ans: From his memory the man gave a graphic description of Mussoorie to the girl. When he was able to see then he visited there and from his memory the man described about it. According to the man – “The hills are covered with wild dahlias, the sun is delicious, and at night you can sit in front of a log fire and drink a little brandy . Most of the tourists have gone and the roads are quiet and almost deserted”.
4.      What mistake did the man make? Why was it a mistake?
Ans: The girl’s mistake was to ask the girl what it was like outside the train window. It was a mistake because the girl would now think that the man could not see.

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5.      What remarks does the make about the women’s voice?
Ans: The man likes the sound of the girl’s voice from the beginning. He is ready to sit in the train for any length of time just to hear her speaking. Moreover he says that her voice has a sparkle of mountain stream and the memories of the encounter would stay in his mind for a long time.
6.       Does the new fellow- traveler notice that the man is blind? Which remarks of his tells us so?
roman" , "serif"; font-size: 13.0pt; line-height: 107%;">Ans: The new traveler had not been able to make out that the man was blind. Otherwise he would not have asked him if he had noticed that the girl who had got down was blind. For vocabulary , idioms and phrases ; please click here....

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