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Work Book : The Hitch - Hiker ( New Oxford Modern English) (Online Education Course/ Insurance)

Work Book

Use the expressions above in the following sentences. Change the tense or add words where necessary.
1.      The drinks at the party were supposed to be fizzy but they were flat.
2.      The horse fell at the water jump and the jockey fell flat on his back.
3.      I can’t get him to reach the high notes; he always sings flat.
4.      Jasbir has no money left at the end of the mouth; he borrows from me because he is usually flat broke.
5.      With one blow the man knocked him flat.
6.      The car accident was caused because of a flat tire.
7.      I’m afraid you’ll have to give Mr Thomas a flat refusal tell him to apply for a job somewhere else.
8.      His jokes always fall flat because he can never remember the last lines.
9.      Please tell him finally that I don’t want to see him here again.
10. It was a most boring party, the conversation fell flat.  

1.      Me what’ve I done wrong the ratfaced man asked
Me ?  What’ve I done wrong?”  the rat faced man asked.
2.      Im an od carrier
“I’m an od carrier.”
3.      Watch out for this man my passenger whispered ee looks mean as a devil
“Watch out for this man,” my passenger whispered. “He looks mean as a devil.”
4.      Perhaps theres a woman in the back having a baby and youre rushing her to hospital is that it
“Perhaps there’s a woman in the back having a baby and you’re rushing her to hospital. is that it?”
5.      Have I done something wrong my passenger asked
“Have I done something wrong ?” my passenger asked.
6.      Lovely he cried
“Lovely!” he cried.
7.      You write books he asked
“You write books?” he asked.
8.      Yes I said jump in
“Yes,” I said.  “Jump in.”
Vocabulary : Rumbling Along
a)     The large lorry shot out of the garage and went thundering down the road at 100 mph.
b)     The driver eased the sleek grey car into top gear; it was soon gliding along at 100 mph.
c)     Leaping into their cars, the policemen went tearing down the road at 100 mph.
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun.
1.      The children washed themselves and went to have their dinner.
2.      The traveler found herself outside a large hotel.
3.      Although Adip was trying to cut down weight , he allowed himself an extra piece of cake.
4.      ‘Now boys, please help yourselves to as many sweets as you like .’
5.      Ritu told herself she must not cry.
6.      The frightened animal hid itself under the dead leaves.
7.      We have always prided ourselves on our fine cooking.
8.      ‘Rahul , give yourself an extra ten minutes to finish writing answers.’

Write about the following words.
a)     A broker : a middleman in business ; an agent
b)     A clerk : an officer in charge of record
c)     A contractor : a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job.
d)     A craftsman : a skillfull person especially one who makes beautiful things by hand
e)     A detective : a person who investigates crime
f)      A fishmonger : A person who sells fish.
g)     A grocer : A person who sells groceries , household stuff
h)     A greengrocer : A person who sells fruits and vegetables
i)       A hawker : a person who carries goods about for sale
j)       A jockey : a person who rides horses in race

Difference between the meaning
a)     An employer and an employee : Employer – One who emplys or hire someone for work
Employee :One who is employed , works for someone
b)     An immigrant and an emigrant : immigrant : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
Emigrant : a person leaving a country to live in another country
c)     Major and a miner: Major : a officer in Army .
Miner: a person who works in a mine.
d)     A major and a minor : Major : greater , the elder
Minor : lesser , not yet of full age

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