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Exercise from Daffodils : New Oxford Modern English 7(Online Education Course/ Insurance)

1.     Exploitation reared its ugly head.
‘Exploitation’ is personified.
2.     Justice is blind.
‘Justice’ is personified.
3.     The moon stepped out of her mantle of cloud to smile upon us.
‘The moon’ is personified.
4.     The ship is called the ‘Victory’. She sails at dawn.
‘The ship’ is personified.
5.     My motor car is twelve years old; she still runs smoothly.
‘ My Motor car’ is personified.
6.     Necessity is the mother of invention.
‘ Necessity’ is personified.
7.     Mother Earth has wonderful gifts for all her children.
‘Mother Earth’ is personified.
Write the difference in meanings.
Wandered - walk or move in a aimless way
Wondered- desire or be curious to know something.
Vales- a valley (used in place names or as a poetic term).
Wales- a ridge on a textured woven fabric such as corduroy.
Crowd - a large number of people gathered together
Crowed – to say something in a tone of gloating satisfaction.
Way - a method, style, or manner of doing something.
Whey - the watery part of milk that remains after the formation of curds.
Heart - a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation
Hart - an adult male deer

Insert semicolons where necessary.
1.     The old man arrived at night; he ate a hearty meal ; he lay down to sleep ;he never woke up in the morning.
2.     The monsoon has now arrived; it will rain every day.
3.     Mr Gujral, physics teacher; Ms Mehta ,chemistry teacher ;Mr Gopal ,mathematics teacher ; four other teachers will attend the conference.
4.     Adil , I know was there ; his brother Anup was not.
5.     You have been late three times ; however I will give you one more chance to come on time.

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