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Class 7 math : Chapter -2.1 - Ratio ( creative questions)


1. In a mixture of 30 liters the ratio of water and acid is 7:3.
a)     If the price of 1 liter of mixture is 115 taka then what is the price of 30 liters of mixture.
b)    Find the quantity of acid and water in that mixture.
c)     What quantity of water is to be mixed with that mixture so that the ratio of acid and water will be 3:7?
2. A piece of ornament is made by mixing bronze, zinc and silver. In that piece of ornament, the ratio of bronze and zinc is 1: 2 and the ratio of Zinc and silver is 3: 5. Find how many grams of silver are there in an ornament weighing 190 grams.
a)     What is the ratio of the weight of bronze, zinc and silver in that ornament?
b)    What is the weight of bronze, zinc and silver in that ornament?
c)     What quantity of zinc is to be mixed with that mixture so that the ratio of bronze and zinc will be 1:3?
3. Jamal,kamal, and Tamal are three sisters. Their father divided Taka 7875 amongst them. Thus Lamia gets 3/5 parts of  Fahia and Fahia  gets double of Sarika.
a)     What is the ratio of the money of Jamal, kamal, and Tamal?
b)    Find the amounts of money of Jamal, kamal, and Tamal.

c)     Jamal, kamal, and Tamal lend their total money to one of their friend name Sania for 1 year. Kamal gave the amount of  profit is 840 taka. What amount of profit each of the girl will get?

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